Enhancement of awareness by Vietnam enterprises for innovation to adapt to climate chances


  • Trinh Ngoc Thach
  • Nguyen Thu Trang
  • Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh
  • Tran Tien Anh


Business, Innovation, Climate change


Vietnam is among the countries most vulnerable facing climate changes due to its long coast lines and low lands. By end of the 21st Century, as forecast, 10% of Vietnam population will get directly affected by climate changes with about GDP 10% losses. The Vietnambusiness community plays important roles in responces to climate changes where the enterprises get affected yet, at the same time, are the actors to be active in transforming hazardous challenges from climate changes to opportunities. Despite of large awareness by enterprises toward climate changes and important roles of practical innovation activities, in reality only 30% of Vietnam enterprises conduct innovation activities in 2014-2019 time period.

Code: 19121003


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How to Cite

Thach, T. N., Trang, N. T., Anh, N. T. N., & Anh, T. T. (2020). Enhancement of awareness by Vietnam enterprises for innovation to adapt to climate chances. Journal SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICIES AND MANAGEMENT, 8(4), 55–70. Retrieved from https://vietnamstijournal.net/index.php/JSTPM/article/view/316

