The national innovation system and policy implications for entrepreneurship in Taiwan and Japan


  • Cheng Mei Tung


Entrepreneurship, National innovation system, University-industry cooperation


In a knowledge economy, accelerating the pace of knowledge building and the rapid acquisition of knowledge are keys to innovative development. However, the development of the commercialization of research results and formation of new start-up companies are often not as active as they should be with a lack of motivation and incentive being one of the contributing factors for the failure to take action. In Taiwan and Japan, the reason that widely advocated idea of industry-academia collaboration is to help advance the technological capabilities of research and development as well as produce economic benefit. The assistance rendered by the government during the transformation and the assessment of outcomes from entrepreneurial pursuits are key issues explored in this study. The results indicate that the network system in the national innovation system is important for entrepreneurship development. The domestic market of Taiwan is not as large as Japan and new entrepreneurs have to face global market challenges.


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How to Cite

Tung, C. M. (2017). The national innovation system and policy implications for entrepreneurship in Taiwan and Japan. Journal SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICIES AND MANAGEMENT, 5(3), 81–95. Retrieved from

