Experience of some countries on the organization and operation of science and technology enterprises, suggestions for Vietnam


  • Nguyen Duc Minh


Science and technology enterprise, Organization of science and technology enterprises


Science and Technology (S&T) enterprise is basically a type of business which realizes the production and trading of products, goods created from the results of science and technology achievements whether obtained by the enterprise itself or integrated from domestic/ international sources. However, the majority of this type of businesses is active in those S&T areas which are of national, regional, local priorities, or even the S&T enterprise’s. Normally, established S&T enterprises operate in the field of high technology. Therefore, they are entitled with the state incentive policies in view of encouraging the development of high technology. Experience of the countries mentioned herein may provide useful suggestions for Vietnam during the establishment and organization of activities of S&T enterprises.
Code: 14100601


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1. Washington: Gov. Print. Off. (1980) Analiis of President Carter’s initiatives in industrial innovation and econmic revitalization.Wash, p.74.
2. The Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States. (1985) Climate for enterprineuship and innovation in the US.Wash, p.241.
3. M.M. Ivanov. (1990) Qu?n lý khoa h?c và ??i m?i. (b?n ti?ng Nga) NXB Khoa h?c.
4. Bessonova OE, Kirdina SG, R. O'Sullivan. (1996) C? ch? phát tri?n KH&CN c?a n?n kinh t?. Novosib. University Press.
5. Vladimir Mau. (1996) C? ch? phát tri?n KH&CN c?a n?n kinh t?. Vi?n hàn lâm c?a Chính ph? thu?c T?ng th?ng Nga.
6. Fan Chenchen. (2000) The Springing-up of University S&T Parks in China.
7. Susan Whelan, M.P. Chair. (2001) A canadian innovation agenda for the first century. Fifth Report of the Standing Committee onIndustry, Science and Technology.



How to Cite

Minh, N. D. (2017). Experience of some countries on the organization and operation of science and technology enterprises, suggestions for Vietnam. Journal SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICIES AND MANAGEMENT, 3(4), 47–57. Retrieved from https://vietnamstijournal.net/index.php/JSTPM/article/view/107

