Some trends for innovating scientific and technological tasks management in the world


  • Hoang Lan Chi
  • Pham Thi Thu Hang


S&T tasks, S&T task management


Management of S&T tasks with state funding has important implication for S&T development in countries. Management of S&T tasks is often adjusted and innovated to improve efficiency and suit the changing context. This article refers a number of emerging trends in the world such as: broadening the scope and interests of S&T tasks, adjusting priorities in S&T tasks, strengthening funding for business and public-private partnerships in S&T tasks, linking S&T tasks to S&T development strategies and plans, attaching S&T programs, stepping up the selection through competition, focusing on evaluating the efficiency of S&T tasks. Innovating of S&T tasks management took place with several characteristics: according to each country, the innovations are related to each other to create a certain synchronism; innovation does not take place in all aspects of S&T tasks management but focuses on a number of aspects that may change the management system; the overall goal of innovation is to improve the efficiency of S&T management.

Code: 17091101


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How to Cite

Chi, H. L., & Thu Hang, P. T. (2017). Some trends for innovating scientific and technological tasks management in the world. Journal SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICIES AND MANAGEMENT, 6(3), 93–111. Retrieved from

