Higher innovation capacities for participation in higher value added stages in global value chains: theoretical aspects and suggetions for Vietnam


  • Nguyen Thanh Tung


Innovation, Value chain, Policy planning


Firms participating in value chains would find opportunities and modes of learning to be affected by types of chain governance in the value chains they operate in. Therefore, the building of support policies for domestic firms in learning to enhance innovation capacities for participation in stages with higher added values in global value chains should be based on analysis and right identification of types of governance and modes of learning in conformity to types of global value chains.
This paper is focused on analysis of upgrading types in global value chains and demands of innovation capacities, types of governance and impacts to modes of learning of domestic firms. On basis of global analysis of some types of value chains in Vietnam, some suggestions are made for policies to support domestic firms to exploit better the learning capacities for their upgrading in global value chains.

Code: 19032801


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How to Cite

Tung, N. T. (2019). Higher innovation capacities for participation in higher value added stages in global value chains: theoretical aspects and suggetions for Vietnam. Journal SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICIES AND MANAGEMENT, 8(2), 35–50. Retrieved from https://vietnamstijournal.net/index.php/JSTPM/article/view/298

