Some problems on science-technology strategies


  • Hoang Xuan Long
  • Hoang Lan Chi


Science-technology strategy, Policy


We are entering to the time for conclusion evaluations of science-technology strategies of 2011-2020 period and the building of science-technology strategies for 2021-2030 period. The conclusion evaluations of strategies, also important as the building of strategies, are complex works. Here the paper provides contributions to view some concepts on science-technology strategies.
This paper is to clarify some aspects on S&T strategies on leap forward development and scientific natures in documents of science-technology strategies, definition of objectives of science-technology strategies only on basis of old indicators, statistic works and objectives of science-technology strategies, science-technology strategies of businesses and national science-technology strategies, and innovation in science-technology strategies. At the same time, the paper indicates that the unproper concepts on science-technology strategies would lead to numerous consequenses.

Code: 20011001


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How to Cite

Long, H. X., & Chi, H. L. (2020). Some problems on science-technology strategies. Journal SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICIES AND MANAGEMENT, 9(1), 84–102. Retrieved from

