About the management of state scientific and technology programs


  • Hoang Xuan Long


S&T program, Scientific management


The management of state S&T programs (hereinafter referred to as S&T programs) have been attracting much attention. In this paper, management of state S&T programs is presented on the basis of a number of approaches such as: distinguish between units of state management, state management services and state management support;; distinguish between managing S&T programs and managing scientific projects; Comparison between the S&T programs management apparatus according to the general principle and the S&T management apparatus in our country at present. The objective of this research is to contribute to the renewal of S&T programs management in our country under the both cautious and positive mottoes.

Code: 17090501


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How to Cite

Long, H. X. (2017). About the management of state scientific and technology programs. Journal SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICIES AND MANAGEMENT, 6(3), 26–41. Retrieved from https://vietnamstijournal.net/index.php/JSTPM/article/view/203

