Status of international cooperation activities for science-technology of universities in economic fields in Vietnam


  • Dinh Thi Thanh Long


Science-technology, International cooperation, Measuring indicator


In trends of internalization of higher education, universities in the world as well as the ones of Vietnam are gradually shifting to a practice of both cooperative-competitive form. Universities get active in international cooperation in science-technology activities because these activities cause direct impacts to their research capabilities. Also the research results developed from international cooperation activities are important indicators for ranking of universities. Therefore, the paper provides: (i) academic presentation of indicators to measure international cooperation activities of universities for science-technology, and (ii) analysis of the status of international cooperation activities of universities in economic fields in Vietnam.

Code: 19090201


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How to Cite

Long, D. T. T. (2019). Status of international cooperation activities for science-technology of universities in economic fields in Vietnam. Journal SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICIES AND MANAGEMENT, 8(3), 91–105. Retrieved from

