Procedure of science and technology development planning in Vietnam


  • Hoang Xuan Long


S&T planning


Planning procedure has an important role to assure the quality of plans for science and technology (S&T) development. The set-up of the procedure for S&T development planning in our country should be based on the renovation of actually valid regulations, conformity to the content and nature of S&T planning, relation between the issued S&T planning and S&T development strategies and facilitation of activities of participants in preparation of the procedure of S&T planning. In our country it is needed to focus attention of hard and soft planning on the set-up of procedure for S&T development. Hard planning for S&T development should follow the 5 steps: identifications of causes of S&T planning, draft of versions of S&T planning, selection of the best planning options, improvement of the selected option and issue of the plans.

Code: 13031201


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Ti?ng Vi?t:
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Ti?ng Anh:
11. David Golschalk. (1974) Planning in America: Learning from Turbulence. Editor: “American Institute of Planners”, Washington D.C.


How to Cite

Long, H. X. Procedure of science and technology development planning in Vietnam. Journal SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICIES AND MANAGEMENT, 1(3), 1–18. Retrieved from

