Science technology innovation roadmap for sustainable development goals- international experiences and recommendations for Vietnam


  • Dang Thu Giang
  • Nguyen Hong Anh
  • Ta Doan Hai


Science Technology Innovation Roadmap, Sustainable Development Goals


In September 2015, the United Nations (UN) approved the Global Agenda 2030 (Agenda 2030), which defines science, technology and innovation is a tool to achieve sustainable development goals. International experience shows that in order to successfully implement targeted sustainable development, one of the important solutions is to tranfer sustainable development goals into key tools and link strategies, plans, science technology and innovation roadmap with sustainable development goals. Experiences of some countries in the development of science, technology and innovation roadmap for sustainable development goals bring good implications for Vietnam in developing solutions to utilize science, technology and innovation for sustainable development goals of Vietnam.

Code: 20122103



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1. Quyết định số 622/QĐ-TTg ngày 10/5/2017 của Thủ tướng Chính phủ về việc ban hành kế hoạch hành động quốc gia thực hiện Chương trình nghị sự 2030 vì sự phát triển bền vững.
2. Báo cáo rà soát quốc gia tự nguyện về các mục tiêu PTBV, Ấn Độ, 2017.
3. A Conceptual Framework for Science, Technology and Innovation Driven Sustainable Development and the Role of ESCAP, 2015.
4. Evidence based STI Approaches to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals, Dr. Mohd Mokhtar Tahar Undersecretary (Industry Division), 26 November 2014.
5. Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for the Sustainable Development Goals Launching a data revolution for the SDGs, Sustainable Development Network, 2015.
6. UNCTAD, (2019). A framework for science, technology and innovation policy reviews harnessing innovation for sustainable development.
7. UNCTAD, (2017). Effectively harnessing science, technology and innovation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
8. United Nations, Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) for SDGs Roadmaps, (2020). The Global Pilot Programme on STI for SDGs Roadmaps, Progress Report. July 9, 2020.
9. Leveraging STI For Promoting SDGS: an India Perspective” (2019).



How to Cite

Giang, D. T., Anh, N. H., & Hai, T. D. (2021). Science technology innovation roadmap for sustainable development goals- international experiences and recommendations for Vietnam. Journal SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICIES AND MANAGEMENT, 9(4), 97–114. Retrieved from




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