Exploiting intellectual property to promote the devemopment of innovative startup ecosystem and national innovation system in Vietnam


  • Pham Hong Quat
  • Luong Van Thuong
  • Nguyen Minh Ngoc
  • Le Ngoc My


Intellectual property, Financial instruments, National innovation system, Innovative startup ecosystem, Valuation


Exploiting intellectual property (IP) will contribute to creating stable financial resources for the key actors of the innovative startup ecosystem and the national innovation system, generating motivation for organizations and individuals create more intellectual property, businesses increase innovation, scientists, institutes, entrepreneurs and investors participate in the innovation based startup projects, thereby promoting the development of the innovative startup ecosystem and the national innovation system. This article has analyzed the prospects, challenges,  international experiences and legal regulations of utilizing IP assets as financial instruments. On that basis, policy framework suggestions in Vietnam are proposed.

Code: 21071201


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How to Cite

Pham Hong Quat, Luong Van Thuong, Nguyen Minh Ngoc, & Le Ngoc My. (2022). Exploiting intellectual property to promote the devemopment of innovative startup ecosystem and national innovation system in Vietnam. Journal SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICIES AND MANAGEMENT, 10(4), 60–73. Retrieved from https://vietnamstijournal.net/index.php/JSTPM/article/view/389

