Thông tin cho Tác giả




The Journal of Science and Technology Policy and Management is the official academic corresponding authority of the scientific area concerning science and technology policy and management in Vietnam. The Journal has been included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific journals for which scientific works are scored.


The title of the Journal in English is "Science and Technology Policy and Management".

  1. Operational Principles and purposes of the Journal
  • Publication of research results in the field of national and international science and technology policy and management.
  • Exchanging experiences on domestic and international science and technology policy making and management
  • Introduction and exchange of science and technology policies, issues of planning, implementation and evaluation of science and technology policies.
  1. General rules for submission

-  Articles in Vietnamese or English, edited with MsWord software, Times New Roman font, font size 12, line spacing 1.3. Article length should not exceed 6,000 words.

  • The author must ensure that the content of the article is the research result of the individual or co-author and has not been submitted for publication in other newspapers and magazines. The author is responsible for the content of the article, the author's copyright and the quoted content in his article.
  • The article uses scientific terms and legal units of measurement issued by the State or used uniformly in the professional field.
  • The articles are not published, the Journal does not return the manuscript.
  1. Regulations on the composition of the article

3.1. Article title (Title)

The title of the article needs to be short (no more than 20 words), clear and must reflect the main content of the article.

3.2. Abstract

The abstract must be concisely written into one paragraph (from 150 to 200 words), generally reflect the main contents of the article and clearly show the results, contributions and new points of the article.

Authors are asked to provide the title of the article and the abstract (including keywords) translated into English and presented below the Vietnamese abstract.

3.3. Keywords

The author needs to give 3 to 5 keywords of the article, representing the topic of the article.

3.4. Reference

The author only lists the documents cited in the article. References should be presented according to Harvard standards. The forms of citation and presentation of the list of references are specified in Section 4.3.

  1. Specifications for presentation

4.1 Numbering rule of headings

In the main body of the article, the large headings must be bold, left-aligned and numbered consecutively according to Arabic numerals. Level 1 subsections (eg 2.1) are bold, italic, and level 2 subsections (eg 2.1.1) are italic but not bold.

4.2. Regulations on presentation of tables and figures

The data tables presented in the article are uniformly recorded as Tables. The data tables must be in the table format in MS Word software.

The graphs, charts, diagrams in the article are uniformly recorded as Figures. The graphs/charts are built from MS Excel software, the author needs to attach the original excel file of that graph/chart. For images made with graphics programs (Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop,...) the author attaches the original file. For image formats (photos), JPEG or TIF files are required with a resolution of not less than 300 dpi.

Each table/figure should have a corresponding name that accurately describes the contents of the table/figure.

Tables/figures in the article must be cited. The source is placed at the bottom of the table/figure, the text presented in italics is not bold.

In the content of the article, when referring to a table or figure, the author needs to specify which particular table or figure (Example Table 1, Figure 1..). Authors should avoid using vague reference phrases such as: “picture above” or “table below”.

4.3. Rules for the presentation of citations and lists of references

Citation is a mandatory requirement for studies. The presentation of citations is important in assessing the depth and seriousness of the research. Therefore, citations must be properly presented. The journal applies the Harvard reference system in presenting references in the article.

4.3.1. Citations for references are divided into two main types: in-text references and reference lists.

In-text reference according to the Harvard reference system, including the following information:

            -Name of author/organization

            -The year of publication of the document

            -Citation document page


There are two main ways to present citations in articles:

- Quote verbatim:

            For example, Nguyen Van A (2009, p.19) states that "factor C has the strongest influence             on the output of the national economy".


- Explanatory quote:

For example: Factor C has the strongest influence on the output of the national economy (Nguyen Van A, 2009).

or Nguyen Van A (2009) believes that factor C has the strongest influence on the output of the national economy.

4.3.2. List of References (Reference)

Reference documents should include the following information:

   + Book: Full name of author or editor (year of publication), title of book. Publisher, place of publication.

            Example: Nguyen Van A and Nguyen Van B (2009), Vietnam's economy in 2008, ABC   Publishing House, Hanoi.

+ Article or chapter in a book: Name of author of article/chapter (year of publication), 'Title of article/chapter', in title of book, name of book editor (editor), publisher , place of publication, the page containing the content of the article/chapter.

For example: Nguyen Van A (1976), “Solving the crisis”, in Knowledge Economy, Nguyen Van C (editor), ABC Publishing House, Hanoi, p. 100-120.

+ Articles published in scientific journals: Full name of author (year of publication), "title of article", title of journal, number..., issue volume, page containing the article's content in the journal.

For example: Le Xuan H (2009), “Vietnam economic overview in 2010 and policy recommendations for 2011”, Y Magazine, no. 15, volume 4, p. 7-13.

Only cite references cited in the article.

  1. Review policy

- Submitted articles are tagged with codes and recorded in the tracking book.

- Each manuscript will be independently reviewed by 2 reviewers and followed by a closed review process.

- After the review results are available, for approved articles, the Journal will contact the author to request improvement according to the comments of the reviewer. For articles that are refused to be published, the Journal will notify the author.

- Authors of approved articles for publication in the Journal do not have to pay publishing fees and receive remuneration for writing articles (according to the internal spending regulations of the Academy of Science, Technology and Innovation).

  1. Contact Address

- Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Tran Quang Huy

Phone: +84-24-38251563. Mobs. 0904284680

Address: 38 Ngo Quyen - Hoan Kiem - Hanoi



- Journalism-Publishing Division:

Phone: +84-24-38264285; +84-24-904259189

Address: 38 Ngo Quyen - Hoan Kiem - Hanoi
