A trial application of some methods to determining the contribution of science and technology for economic growth in Vietnam


  • Nguyen Thanh Bang


Science and technology, Economic growth, Productivity, Capital, Labor, Method of growth accounting, Econometric Evaluation


Over the past decades, science and technology has been proved to significantly contribute for economic growth based on development theory and the method of growth accounting and econometric evaluation. However, in order to provide detailed and objective findings, these theories and methods require sufficient and necessary conditions such as the level of completion and accuracy of data and statistics sources or how the experts are knowledgeable and experienced. The results of trail applications in the fishery sector had shown that the lack of these conditions will cause difficulties, but it does not mean that the contribution of S&T to economic growth is not able to be determined.

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How to Cite

Bang, N. T. (2017). A trial application of some methods to determining the contribution of science and technology for economic growth in Vietnam. Journal SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICIES AND MANAGEMENT, 6(1), 16–23. Retrieved from https://vietnamstijournal.net/index.php/JSTPM/article/view/184

