Some issues about intellectual property management in scientific research and technology development in Vietnam


  • Khong Quoc Minh


Intellectual property, Intellectual assets, Intellectual property management, Intellectual property commercialism, Scientific research, Technological development


Aspects of intellectual property (IP), the effectiveness of scientific research and technological development is evaluated based on the intellectual assets created to achieve the objectives in terms of quality, quantity and commercialization of those assets. Intellectual property management in scientific research and technological development helps to achieve that target. However, the approach and content of IP management activities in scientific research and technological development are still controversial. The article clarifies the approach, proposes contents of IP management in scientific research and technology development to improve the efficiency of these activities in Vietnam.

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How to Cite

Khong Quoc Minh. (2022). Some issues about intellectual property management in scientific research and technology development in Vietnam. Journal SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICIES AND MANAGEMENT, 11(2), 20–31. Retrieved from

